I like cos curve…It’s so perfect. Starts from a high, goes all the way and ends at high…well technically it doesn’t end at all. If you ignore the frame of reference, it just goes through highs and lows, its just a lagging sine curve, or maybe leading. But oh! How can you do away with frame of reference, how perceived realties will become abstract like that!
It’s the repetition which gives it a definition. Actually if we come to think of it, repetition is an important aspect which gives definition to most of the things, which can lead us to generalized solutions. I did hate mathematical induction. I guess I am getting at peace with the concept now.
The journey with Birthdays and now for the first time, some sort of anniversary is also peculiar. I loved birthdays as a child…Who doesn’t? Then I grew out of the concept thinking how is that a big deal...just like most of us do. Now I have found peace with it too. Birthdays, anniversaries, occasions and festivals are great. They are things to cherish and look forward to.
My logic is easy. As we grow on to become the obvious part of the obvious mad rush of life, family, job and EMI...the simple beautiful moments start to dwindle. Those best moments which will come like hurricanes as kids would be nowhere to find. No more leaving hostel to go for classes and just sitting under a tree somewhere gossiping for hour. No more stepping out for chai and reaching other end of city in search of perfect golgappe, no more of this and that and other randomness. Now we try, we plan and prepare and fabricate the moments. It works fine but still, how is it comparable to things that were self ignited earlier.
Amidst all this are these occasions. They come, inevitable, so who are we to crib and set them aside saying” What’s the big deal?” It is a big deal considering it marks something special that happened. It can not be recreated, not even to a fraction but it should certainly be celebrated. It’s a tribute to one of the few best things that happened to you and a free chance to create some more.
Ah it is cliché - who gives flowers and cards and stuff anymore. But if you do, it will never go unnoticed. What’s best is that for the people who matter to you, thinking is never an issue. It takes a conscious effort to be happy, and things fall in place. Do it. Go out of the way, think and make it happen. It’s great to show love and reconfirm where it exists. We create hue and cry over routine and lost love and changed people. It’s more or less out of life’s dampening. What’s best is that the same life gives pep-up as well. These are low hanging fruits, stretch and pick.
It’s the repetition which gives it a definition. Actually if we come to think of it, repetition is an important aspect which gives definition to most of the things, which can lead us to generalized solutions. I did hate mathematical induction. I guess I am getting at peace with the concept now.
The journey with Birthdays and now for the first time, some sort of anniversary is also peculiar. I loved birthdays as a child…Who doesn’t? Then I grew out of the concept thinking how is that a big deal...just like most of us do. Now I have found peace with it too. Birthdays, anniversaries, occasions and festivals are great. They are things to cherish and look forward to.
My logic is easy. As we grow on to become the obvious part of the obvious mad rush of life, family, job and EMI...the simple beautiful moments start to dwindle. Those best moments which will come like hurricanes as kids would be nowhere to find. No more leaving hostel to go for classes and just sitting under a tree somewhere gossiping for hour. No more stepping out for chai and reaching other end of city in search of perfect golgappe, no more of this and that and other randomness. Now we try, we plan and prepare and fabricate the moments. It works fine but still, how is it comparable to things that were self ignited earlier.
Amidst all this are these occasions. They come, inevitable, so who are we to crib and set them aside saying” What’s the big deal?” It is a big deal considering it marks something special that happened. It can not be recreated, not even to a fraction but it should certainly be celebrated. It’s a tribute to one of the few best things that happened to you and a free chance to create some more.
Ah it is cliché - who gives flowers and cards and stuff anymore. But if you do, it will never go unnoticed. What’s best is that for the people who matter to you, thinking is never an issue. It takes a conscious effort to be happy, and things fall in place. Do it. Go out of the way, think and make it happen. It’s great to show love and reconfirm where it exists. We create hue and cry over routine and lost love and changed people. It’s more or less out of life’s dampening. What’s best is that the same life gives pep-up as well. These are low hanging fruits, stretch and pick.
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