It came to me just like that, how arms are so important, the most vital part of us. You cuddle, you snuggle, you slap, you hold, you lift and curl up in cold- all arms and all hands. Now that I think of it, they are the most precise, most beautiful and most universal way of expressing emotions.
Lets begin from the beginning of life. They say, a guy becomes a man in true terms, not when he falls in love, not when he takes vows for a lifetime but when he lifts his child for the first time in his arms. That 6-7 pounds of flesh when clutched tightly to the chest beats new rhythm in his heart and transforms him forever. What a mother’s scold, girlfriend’s banter and wife’s nag can’t do, a quiet, non complaining, non expecting hold does.
What I think next is the swing by my parents. When I was old enough to be persistent and still young enough to not be persuaded, I would accompany them for night walks. Holding both my hands and walking on either side, I would ask them to lift me and swing. It went like that forever for several nights and few years. I don’t remember what happened first; I lost interest in the walks or got too heavy to be taken through that regime. But clearly one of the most cherished memory of my childhood.
Then there is that thing which is known as the ‘glasses that make this world look beautiful’-you know, the one which makes roses bloom, sky more blue, and sun a little brighter. The one that makes people, two at a time, blind and foolishly assume that everyone around is blind too. For such creatures, expressing the weird feeling is as difficult as it is important. That’s where hands and arms help.
Interlocking fingers for hours, which feels not special, not great, not even out of this world- it feels just right. That’s it. Only parameter, such simple test! It should feel right. As if the spaces between fingers was carved for it. As if, a jigsaw puzzle is completed. That is what makes whims possible, craziness escalate and well, magic happen.
Or a hug which attempts to grip on so hard that the ribs crack and breathe flutter. Nothing can express as much warmth, assurance, commitment and intention as a hug can. But it is a loudmouth too. Hug cannot lie. What you may try to conceal with lies and stories, a hug will reveal at once. How much you can miss, love, abhor or detest, all in one hug. It’s a lover’s stethoscope.
Then there is this one- slap which comes as a different meaning in a different form- a pat. For achievement or encouragement, mischief or just to support. Pat is a master key. What expensive prizes and glorious accolades can’t do, a pat from someone special can. There are so many of them- the ones I can imagine but they surely play a much stronger role.
A soldier’s salute,
a poor man’s food,
a promise for trust,
believe if you must.
Alms worth a dime,
a pat on time,
they make stars twinkle for the rhyme’s sake
These arms won’t let your heart break!
There are other emotions of course- including the bad ones. Slaps, punches, nudge and fists, but none of these match to this one- the worst! It gives you that typical feeling of futility, helplessness, the one that says “Why do I have to go through this. Why am I putting fight for all things in life if I can’t do away with this one…’ ‘What is it that I can trade against this? Is there anything at all that I cannot trade this moment for? That moment of impulse and feeling that says ‘never have regrets’. It is what does the trick from a distance, without a touch or any proxemics. A Goodbye.
Lets begin from the beginning of life. They say, a guy becomes a man in true terms, not when he falls in love, not when he takes vows for a lifetime but when he lifts his child for the first time in his arms. That 6-7 pounds of flesh when clutched tightly to the chest beats new rhythm in his heart and transforms him forever. What a mother’s scold, girlfriend’s banter and wife’s nag can’t do, a quiet, non complaining, non expecting hold does.
What I think next is the swing by my parents. When I was old enough to be persistent and still young enough to not be persuaded, I would accompany them for night walks. Holding both my hands and walking on either side, I would ask them to lift me and swing. It went like that forever for several nights and few years. I don’t remember what happened first; I lost interest in the walks or got too heavy to be taken through that regime. But clearly one of the most cherished memory of my childhood.
Then there is that thing which is known as the ‘glasses that make this world look beautiful’-you know, the one which makes roses bloom, sky more blue, and sun a little brighter. The one that makes people, two at a time, blind and foolishly assume that everyone around is blind too. For such creatures, expressing the weird feeling is as difficult as it is important. That’s where hands and arms help.
Interlocking fingers for hours, which feels not special, not great, not even out of this world- it feels just right. That’s it. Only parameter, such simple test! It should feel right. As if the spaces between fingers was carved for it. As if, a jigsaw puzzle is completed. That is what makes whims possible, craziness escalate and well, magic happen.
Or a hug which attempts to grip on so hard that the ribs crack and breathe flutter. Nothing can express as much warmth, assurance, commitment and intention as a hug can. But it is a loudmouth too. Hug cannot lie. What you may try to conceal with lies and stories, a hug will reveal at once. How much you can miss, love, abhor or detest, all in one hug. It’s a lover’s stethoscope.
Then there is this one- slap which comes as a different meaning in a different form- a pat. For achievement or encouragement, mischief or just to support. Pat is a master key. What expensive prizes and glorious accolades can’t do, a pat from someone special can. There are so many of them- the ones I can imagine but they surely play a much stronger role.
A soldier’s salute,
a poor man’s food,
a promise for trust,
believe if you must.
Alms worth a dime,
a pat on time,
they make stars twinkle for the rhyme’s sake
These arms won’t let your heart break!
There are other emotions of course- including the bad ones. Slaps, punches, nudge and fists, but none of these match to this one- the worst! It gives you that typical feeling of futility, helplessness, the one that says “Why do I have to go through this. Why am I putting fight for all things in life if I can’t do away with this one…’ ‘What is it that I can trade against this? Is there anything at all that I cannot trade this moment for? That moment of impulse and feeling that says ‘never have regrets’. It is what does the trick from a distance, without a touch or any proxemics. A Goodbye.
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