It came to me just like that, how arms are so important, the most vital part of us. You cuddle, you snuggle, you slap, you hold, you lift and curl up in cold- all arms and all hands. Now that I think of it, they are the most precise, most beautiful and most universal way of expressing emotions. Lets begin from the beginning of life. They say, a guy becomes a man in true terms, not when he falls in love, not when he takes vows for a lifetime but when he lifts his child for the first time in his arms. That 6-7 pounds of flesh when clutched tightly to the chest beats new rhythm in his heart and transforms him forever. What a mother’s scold, girlfriend’s banter and wife’s nag can’t do, a quiet, non complaining, non expecting hold does. What I think next is the swing by my parents. When I was old enough to be persistent and still young enough to not be persuaded, I would accompany them for night walks. Holding both my hands and walking on either side, I would ask them to lift me and swing. ...