This is the first time, for no particular reason, that I did not finish a piece in one go and had a chance to drop a word about it to a few friends. A mention of this topic had unidirectional reaction. It was simple. Most male friends turned and made humming sounds to put a sound curtain, others dug their head in a pillow to filter 'noise,' while few were generous to spare extreme reaction and gave a sweet blank look of no comments. The female friends on other hand, without going into the details gave a casual look of being clueless or biased or worse, ignorant. My feedback is that they knew less about it than the boys. Boys had secretly researched about it to update self created Wikipedia section of their brain or maybe had a practical situation thrown at them at a point of time... Girls had of course taken it personally and rejected the idea, most of them... So my point is not to stir the territory, I just succumbed to the series ...