Another year, a birthday, and I learn more... 58. There is no feeling better than walking in the rain. Next time, you are on road and it starts raining, don't crib...It's just water 59. Money is important. Very 60. You can fool yourself the most- most easily and for longest- question is do you want to... 61. People behave, and feel alike, when uncomfortable in a social situation, look around, everyone is... 62. The idea is not to save or spend, its about being able to own what you want, now and later. 63. Orange looks good on everyone...just like Sun looks good everywhere 64. Reading is a good habit; Smoking is a bad habit- so they say, and make you believe 65. Water-sweat, tears in all forms- is a catalyst to emotions 66. It makes you stronger, yes; but being emotional hurts in a long run 67. Test yourself by coming out of your comfort zone, it helps you keep up th...