Half of the bucket lists of people boast of the dream to travel the world. It’s a no brainer. People want to see the world and they all have reasons. People spend millions, go paces, do stuff, all this-for experience. But how they assimilate this experience is different ball game all together. Here’s a look at travel-alongers of the world. 1. I do-not move my ASS! These people just go to the places and chill. Get them Eiffel view, Miami beach shack, pyramids, caves, whatever. They want to sit, with their drink in hand and stay right there-inside. Do not move my ass please- rather wipe it for me. You get them cozy rooms, bathroom with bathtub, room delivery, and just do away with anything that can create a sense of time. I wonder it would be interesting to put them on the poles and see how they behave in complete loss of idea of time whatsoever… It’s good to have them to relax and spend time the way you would want- as long as a kick works to move their ass 2. I got...