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Showing posts from December, 2011

Tranquility of a new year...

After all, what is there so different or special with onset of a new year that we behave so differently? It is different no doubt... We all have plans, those who don’t at least acknowledge they don’t have any plan when it ideally should be there. Not having a plan is also a plan to do nothing special in this supposedly special occasion. New year with resolutions and grand parties, sliding to the other side with pomp and show. All that and much more comes tagged with the new year plan. Wonder what is so special about this New Year thing that everyone wants to do something. What’s worth thinking is that what we plan to do is either a setting book to zero by doing what we have always done wrong again, a fesh strart so to say... or a book building which is doing something that we always planned to do and did not start/ finish and now want to give it a chance.. I have, like others, spent few of these transitional points glued to TV looking at clocks around the world ticking towards the m...

Excel in life

There are three kind of crisis... First ones are sudden that come unannounced, like the girlfriend in middle of a match. Unannounced and unwanted- a totally untamed situation... Second ones linger for ages which keep you in constant feeling of meeting your girlfriend's folks. You have to do it someday but behaved as if it is always going to be a 'forever-away' thing... And the third one are like companions who have been defined, acknowledged and working in a financial sector- you acknowledge and accept how close you stay to the pink slip, the feeling is your forever-companion... Anyway, whichever crisis one has to tackle at any point of time, the solution is trivial still tricky. Just like it is in Excel! Yeah our better half MS Excel. Drag a couple of things here, put some formulae there, sort, filter, transpose and format and maybe add some validation. Done. Error! Circular Reference.. A circular reference is a series of references where ...

Back to square one...

Its a funny realization.... Of 'back to square one.' Everything seeks to be back to square one. I guess that's in the nature. How mythology talks of evolution and after traversing through ages and yugas, leads us to end of the world...oh no, this has nothing to do with 2012 thoughts... This must be a restlessness of a sort. To understand anything, you need to go deep, know it in and out, and once you do, the proof is that you can explain it in one sentence, maybe two. It all leads back to square one. People are always running hither tither to things and places and experiences. And in the end, they realize what they want to do ultimately in the end is to go where they began. Young people want to go to new cities, have untamed lives out of the reach of their family and people they were accustomed to..and then the daze of those days thins and reveals yearning of a sort to return home. Kids want to grow up, Grown up wants to work, earn money, have freedom and once they do that,...