Increasingly that time comes in your life when you start running away from things. This is different from where you came from. Running away from things in college came with huge elasticity and liberty. Don’t want to go to class? Snooze off, slide under sheets, done. Similar easy remedies were available for quizzes, exams, club meetings, outings, trips....and endless other things... And you paid for it all Now it’s different; whether you want it or not, you find yourself dragging your body of command to brush and bath and hop in that cab to you 4X4 cubicle. Calls and computer and clients and calories- no escape. You wonder you need a break, you go out and drink and party hard, you wonder you have to keep in shape, you drag yourself to gym, you think, you need to do well, you hop on that cab to the office... You are getting paid for this. Then you find yourself in a great new situation of a literally running away. The moment you see your boss coming towards your seat, you run away lest h...