It has been few days, and now that i look back, i realize how so many things are centered and fueled by cities. Recent conversations, arguments and plans, all are city centric. My sister has had endless fights with the soon to be brother in law about whether they want to settle in Delhi or Mumbai. I have lived in Delhi all my life and in Kolkata for past 1 year. They are starkly different. I am in Singapore for past one month and visited Hong Kong for a weekend...they are comparable... But in any way and case..things go round and round...we pick our bit and that is how it mind and around Delhi and Kolkata are different. Delhi has a class, so we feel. capital of India, if something happens here, it happens first in delhi. Truly cosmopoliton. We are up running with times..almost everyone is..and managing well. Doing perfect. Delhi has blended with the new era. People quickly take up to new things with ease. It is not some newly turned rich man who has money but no