It’s said that any replica, in any shape, form, or material of Taj Mahal should never be gifted. It signifies separation, or leads to it. I did gift it to my friend once…. Infact, my best friend, years back…. It was a normal day at school and out of nowhere the discussion rose as to what would we want to own if sky is the limit. She leisurely said Taj Mahal… Days and months passed. I was hunting for a birthday gift for her when I chanced on a small and pretty Taj Mahal replica. Instantly I knew this is the best thing I could gift her. I did. That was then. I wont call it a tragic separation or sad disconnection but we changed school, kept in touch but eventually drifted. Now, I have loads of friends, so called friends, acquaintances on my mail, orkut, facebook…She somehow is untraceable… Choose your gift carefully eh…. Things however have changed… I visited Taj Mahal a day before…earlier people used to go with awe that it will be extremely beautiful and get somewhat disappointed. We we...